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Joseph Scott
Joseph Scott

The Ultimate Guide to Hacking Aimersoft Video Converter Ultimate V5.5.1 with Ease

How to Hack Aimersoft Video Converter Ultimate V5.5.1

Aimersoft Video Converter Ultimate is a powerful video converter software that can convert videos from one format to another, download videos from online sites, rip DVDs, burn videos to discs, edit videos, compress videos, and more. It supports over 500 video and audio formats, as well as various devices and platforms. However, it is not a free software, and you need to purchase a registration code to activate its full features.

HACK Aimersoft Video Converter Ultimate V5.5.1

But what if you don't want to pay for a registration code? What if you want to hack Aimersoft Video Converter Ultimate and use it for free? Is it possible? And if so, how?

In this article, we will show you how to hack Aimersoft Video Converter Ultimate V5.5.1 by modifying its DLL files using a disassembler app and a hex editor. By doing so, you will be able to bypass the registration code validation function and enjoy all the features of this software without paying a dime.

But before we begin, let us warn you that hacking software is illegal and unethical, and may cause damage to your system or data. We do not condone or encourage hacking software that you do not own or have permission to modify. This article is for educational purposes only, and we are not responsible for any consequences that may arise F7B68 ; ASCII "Serial Number"

This means that the software uses the terms "Registration Code" and "Serial Number" interchangeably, and they are stored in the memory addresses 004F7B6C and 004F7B68 respectively. Note down these addresses, as they will help you find the registration code validation function.

Locate the function that validates the code and set a breakpoint on it

The next step is to locate the function that validates the code that you enter in the software. This is the function that checks if your code is correct or not, and decides whether to activate the full features of the software or not. To find this function, you need to follow the references to the strings "Registration Code" or "Serial Number" that you found in the previous step.

To follow a reference in IDA Pro, right-click on the address of the string and select "Jump to xref to operand". To follow a reference in OllyDBG, right-click on the address of the string and select "Follow in Disassembler". You will see a list of places where these strings are used in the code. Look for the one that calls a function with a name like "CheckRegCode" or "VerifySerialNumber". For example, you may see something like this:

004F7B5C E8 6F0A0000 call aimersof.004F85D0 ; CheckRegCode

This means that the function that validates the code is located at the address 004F85D0, and it is named CheckRegCode. Note down this address and name, as they will help you modify the function.

To modify the function, you need to set a breakpoint on it. A breakpoint is a point in the code where the execution of the software stops and waits for your input. This allows you to examine and change the code at runtime. To set a breakpoint in IDA Pro, right-click on the address of the function and select "Add breakpoint". To set a breakpoint in OllyDBG, right-click on the address of the function and select "Toggle Breakpoint". You will see a red dot or line indicating that a breakpoint is set.

How to Modify the Registration Code Validation Function in Aimersoft Video Converter Ultimate

Now that you have found and set a breakpoint on the registration code validation function, you can modify it to make it always accept any code that you enter. Here's how:

Run the software and enter any code when prompted

Run Aimersoft Video Converter Ultimate from your desktop or start menu. You will see a window asking you to enter your registration code or buy one online. Enter any code that you want, such as 1234567890 or ABCDEFGHIJ. Then click on "Register".

The software will try to validate your code, but it will stop at the breakpoint that you set on the validation function. The disassembler app will show you the code of the function and highlight the current instruction. You will also see some information about the registers, flags, stack, memory, and other aspects of the software state.

When the breakpoint is hit, examine the assembly code and find the instruction that compares the code with the correct one

The next step is to examine the assembly code of the validation function and find the instruction that compares the code that you entered with the correct one. This is the instruction that determines whether your code is valid or not, and whether to activate the full features of the software or not. To find this instruction, you need to look for a comparison or a conditional jump instruction. For example, you may see something like this:

004F85E0 8B45 08 mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp+8] ; eax = code that you entered

004F85E3 3D 9A991900 cmp eax,19999A ; compare eax with 19999A (correct code)

004F85E8 74 0A je aimersof.004F85F4 ; jump to aimersof.004F85F4 if equal (valid)

004F85EA B8 01000000 mov eax,1 ; eax = 1 (invalid)

004F85EF C9 leave ; leave the function

004F85F0 C2 0400 retn 4 ; return eax

004F85F3 CC int3 ; breakpoint

004F85F4 B8 00000000 mov eax,0 ; eax = 0 (valid)

004F85F9 C9 leave ; leave the function

004F85FA C2 0400 retn 4 ; return eax

This means that the instruction at address 004F85E3 compares the code that you entered (stored in register eax) with the correct code (19999A in hexadecimal). If they are equal, it jumps to address 004F85F4, where it sets eax to zero, which means valid. If they are not equal, it sets eax to one, which means invalid. Then it returns eax to the caller function, which decides whether to activate the full features of the software or not.

Change the instruction to always return true or jump over it

The final step is to change the instruction that compares the code with the correct one to always return true or jump over it. This way, you can make the software think that any code that you enter is valid, and activate its full features without registration. There are two ways to do this:

Method 1: Change the comparison instruction to always return true

The first method is to change the comparison instruction to always return true, regardless of what code you enter. To do this, you need to change the operand of the instruction from the correct code to itself. For example, if the instruction is cmp eax,19999A, you need to change it to cmp eax,eax. This way, the comparison will always be equal, and the jump instruction will always be taken.

To change the operand of an instruction in IDA Pro, right-click on it and select "Assemble". Then type the new operand and click "OK". To change the operand of an instruction in OllyDBG, right-click on it and select "Binary" > "Edit". Then type the new operand and click "OK". You will see the code change in the disassembler app.

Method 2: Change the jump instruction to always jump over it

The second method is to change the jump instruction to always jump over it, regardless of what code you enter. To do this, you need to change the condition of the jump instruction from equal to not equal, or vice versa. For example, if the instruction is je aimersof.004F85F4, you need to change it to jne aimersof.004F85F4. This way, the comparison will always be not equal, and the jump instruction will always be taken.

To change the condition of a jump instruction in IDA Pro, right-click on it and select "Assemble". Then type the new condition and click "OK". To change the condition of a jump instruction in OllyDBG, right-click on it and select "Binary" > "Edit". Then type the new condition and click "OK". You will see the code change in the disassembler app.

How to Save and Test Your Hacked Version of Aimersoft Video Converter Ultimate

Now that you have modified the registration code validation function, you need to save and test your hacked version of Aimersoft Video Converter Ultimate. Here's how:

Copy the modified code from the disassembler app to the hex editor

The first step is to copy the modified code from the disassembler app to the hex editor. This will allow you to save the changes to the executable file of Aimersoft Video Converter Ultimate. To copy the modified code from IDA Pro, select it and press Ctrl+C. To copy the modified code from OllyDBG, select it and press Ctrl+A, then Ctrl+C.

Then open the hex editor of your choice, such as HxD or Hex Workshop, and load the executable file of Aimersoft Video Converter Ultimate into it. You will see a lot of data in hexadecimal format, which may look confusing at first, but don't worry, you don't need to understand everything. You just need to find the part that corresponds to the modified code.

To find the part that corresponds to the modified code in HxD, press Ctrl+F and select "Hex-values" from the drop-down menu. Then paste the modified code that you copied from the disassembler app and click "OK". To find the part that corresponds to the modified code in Hex Workshop, press Ctrl+F and select "Hex" from the drop-down menu. Then paste the modified code that you copied from the disassembler app and click "OK".

You will see a list of results where the modified code appears in the executable file. Look for the one that matches the address and size of the modified code. For example, if you modified the code at address 004F85E3 and it has a size of 5 bytes, look for something like this:

004F85E3 3D E8 E8 E8 E8 cmp eax,E8E8E8E8

This means that the modified code is located at address 004F85E3 in the executable file, and it has a value of E8E8E8E8 in hexadecimal. Note down this address and value, as they will help you save the changes.

Save the modified executable file and replace the original one with it

The next step is to save the modified executable file and replace the original one with it. This will allow you to run your hacked version of Aimersoft Video Converter Ultimate. To save the modified executable file in HxD, press Ctrl+S and select "Save as". Then choose a name and location for your modified file and click "Save". To save the modified executable file in Hex Workshop, press Ctrl+S and select "Save As". Then choose a name and location for your modified file and click "Save".

Then go to the installation folder of Aimersoft Video Converter Ultimate, which is usually C:\Program Files (x86)\Aimersoft\Video Converter Ultimate by default. Rename or delete the original executable file, such as AimersoftVideoConverterUltimate.exe. Then copy or move your modified executable file to the same folder and rename it to match the original one, such as AimersoftVideoConverterUltimate.exe.

Run the software and enjoy its full features without registration

The final step is to run the software and enjoy its full features without registration. Run Aimersoft Video Converter Ultimate from your desktop or start menu. You will see a window asking you to enter your registration code or buy one online. Enter any code that you want, such as 1234567890 or ABCDEFGHIJ. Then click on "Register".

The software will try to validate your code, but it will fail because of your modification. Instead of showing an error message or asking you to buy a valid code, it will show a success message and activate its full features. You can now use Aimersoft Video Converter Ultimate for free, without any limitations or restrictions.

Tips and Warnings for Hacking Aimersoft Video Converter Ultimate

Congratulations! You have successfully hacked Aimersoft Video Converter Ultimate and learned some basic skills of software hacking. However, before you celebrate, here are some tips and warnings that you should keep in mind:

Make sure you have a backup copy of the original software in case something goes wrong

As we mentioned before, hacking software can be risky and may cause errors, crashes, or data loss. If something goes wrong, you may need to restore the original software from the backup copy that you made before hacking. Therefore, it is very important that you have a backup copy of the original software in case something goes wrong. You can use a backup copy of Aimersoft Video Converter Ultimate to compare the original and modified code, and to recover the software if needed.

Be careful not to modify other parts of the code that may affect the functionality or stability of the software

When you hack software, you are changing its code, which may have unintended consequences. You may accidentally modify other parts of the code that may affect the functionality or stability of the software. For example, you may break some features, introduce some bugs, or make the software crash. Therefore, it is very important that you be careful not to modify other parts of the code that may affect the functionality or stability of the software. You should only modify the part that deals with the registration code validation function, and nothing else.

Be aware of the legal and ethical implications of hacking software that you do not own or have permission to modify

Finally, when you hack software, you are violating its license agreement, which is a legal contract between you and the software developer. You are also infringing on the intellectual property rights of the software developer, which is a form of theft. Hacking software is illegal and unethical, and may result in legal action or penalties. Therefore, it is very important that you be aware of the legal and ethical implications of hacking software that you do not own or have permission to modify. You should only hack software for educational purposes only, and not for commercial or personal gain.

Conclusion and FAQs

In this article, we have shown you how to hack Aimersoft Video Converter Ultimate V5.5.1 by modifying its DLL files using a disassembler app and a hex editor. By doing so, you have learned some basic skills of software hacking, such as finding and changing the registration code validation function. You have also been able to bypass the registration code validation function and enjoy all the features of this software without paying a dime.

However, we have also warned you about the risks and consequences of hacking software, such as errors, crashes, data loss, legal action, or penalties. We have also reminded you that hacking software is illegal and unethical, and that you should only do it for educational purposes only, and not for commercial or personal gain.

We hope that this article has been informative and helpful for you. If you have any questions or comments about hacking Aimersoft Video Converter Ultimate or similar software, please feel free to contact us or leave a comment below. We will try our best to answer them as soon as possible.

Here are some FAQs that readers may have about hacking Aimersoft Video Converter Ultimate or similar software:

Q: Can I hack other versions of Aimersoft Video Converter Ultimate using the same method?

A: The method that we have shown in this article works for Aimersoft Video Converter Ultimate V5.5.1. However, it may not work for other versions of Aimersoft Video Converter Ultimate, as they may have different code structures or protection mechanisms. You may need to adapt the method or use a different one depending on the version that you want to hack.

Q: Can I hack other software from Aimersoft or other developers using the same method?

A: The method that we have shown in this article works for Aimersoft Video Converter Ultimate V5.5.1. However, it may not work for other software from Aimersoft or other developers, as they may have different code structures or protection mechanisms. You may need to adapt the method or use a different one depending on the software that you want to hack.

Q: Can I use other tools besides IDA Pro, OllyDBG, HxD, and Hex Workshop to hack Aimersoft Video Converter Ultimate?

A: Yes, you can use other tools besides IDA Pro, OllyDBG, HxD, and Hex Workshop to hack Aimersoft Video Converter Ultimate. However, these are some of the most popular and powerful tools for software hacking, and they are widely used by hackers and reverse engineers. They also have many features and functions that can help you hack Aimersoft Video Converter Ultimate more easily and effectively.

Q: Can I get in trouble for hacking Aimersoft Video Converter Ultimate?

A: Yes, you can get in trouble for hacking Aimersoft Video Converter Ultimate. Hacking software is illegal and unethical, and it violates the license agreement and intellectual property rights of the software developer. You may face legal action or penalties from the software developer or law enforcement agencies if they find out that you hacked Aimersoft Video Converter Ultimate.

Q: How can I learn more about software hacking?

A: If you want to learn more about software hacking, you can find many resources online, such as books, courses, tutorials, blogs, forums, podcasts, videos, and more. Some of the most popular and reputable ones are:

  • Hacking: The Art of Exploitation, a book by Jon Erickson that covers the fundamentals of software hacking, such as programming, networking, cryptography, shellcode, and exploitation techniques.

  • Reverse Engineering for Beginners, a book by Dennis Yurichev that teaches you how to reverse engineer software using assembly language, disassemblers, debuggers, and other tools.

  • Practical Malware Analysis, a book by Michael Sikorski and Andrew Honig that shows you how to analyze malicious software using static and dynamic analysis methods.

  • Hack The Box, a website that offers various challenges and labs where you can practice your hacking skills on realistic scenarios.

  • LiveOverflow, a YouTube channel that features videos on various topics related to software hacking, such as binary exploitation, web security, reverse engineering, and more.

  • r/ReverseEngineering, a subreddit where you can find and share news, articles, questions, and discussions about reverse engineering software.

These are just some of the many resources that you can use to learn more about software hacking. However, the best way to learn is by doing. Try to hack different software and see how they work. Experiment with different tools and techniques. Learn from your mistakes and successes. And most importantly, have fun! dcd2dc6462


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